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Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.
-- Margaret Cousins


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

More plentiful

When you make use of your strength, it does not get used up. It grows.

When you give your love to others, it does not diminish the love you have. It deepens and enriches that love.

When you teach what you know, it does not take knowledge away from you. It expands and broadens your knowledge.

When you offer kindness, you end up with even more. When you make use of discipline, your discipline grows ever stronger.

The more you live with integrity, the more integrity you’ll have. The more you speak the truth, the more real truth you’ll discover.

The truly valuable things in life are easy to recognize, for they’re the things that never get used up. Indeed, the truly valuable things become more plentiful each and every time they’re used.

— Ralph Marston

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