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A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.
-- Arnold H. Glasgow


Friday, October 29, 2004

In perspective

If you look at a problem all by itself, it can seem to be massive and overpowering. Yet when you look at it within the context of your entire life and all the good, valuable things you have, the picture quickly improves.

In the midst of a disappointing experience, it can seem like nothing will ever be right again. Yet when you get a little distance from it, and take into account all your many blessings, a sense of hope begins to return.

When you’ve stumbled, the quickest way to get back up is to put things in perspective. Sure, the last five minutes, or the last five days, have been lousy, but there’s much more to consider.

Think for a moment about all the positive things in your life. Then start moving confidently and deliberately toward them again.

The disappointments of the moment begin to fade as soon as you decide to put them in their place. Defeat starts to become victory as soon as you do something positive about it.

Never lose sight of how good life can be. Putting the problems in perspective will get you moving past them.

— Ralph Marston

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