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Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.
-- John Steinbeck


Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Joy that is conditional is not joy at all. It is merely fleeting pleasure that will be gone the moment conditions change.

Real joy is and will always be. Nothing can take it away.

Real joy cannot be earned, attained or achieved. It is there when you accept it and allow it.

Agreeable conditions and pleasurable circumstances are not the cause of joy. Rather, it’s the other way around.

When you live with joy, that joy infects the world around you. When you live each moment with joy, you see that joy reflected back to you from all directions.

Let the joy of living flow forth from you, wherever you are, whatever you are doing. And see what a real, positive difference it can make.

— Ralph Marston

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