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Mistakes are the portals of discovery.
-- James Joyce


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Become the person

There is a life you want to live. To experience that life, become the person who will live it.

If the circumstances of your life are not yet what you desire, there is a reason. It is because you have not yet become the person you desire to become.

The outer circumstances of your life will change for the better precisely to the extent that you change for the better inside. Become the person who can live your dream, and that dream will become real.

You cannot directly control everything in the world around you, but there is no need for that anyway. By controlling your own thoughts, feelings and actions, you can bring about anything you truly desire.

Success grows from the inside out. That’s why you’ll never be fulfilled by merely acquiring the tokens of success.

Become successful on the inside, to the point where the superficial tokens of success do not matter. And you will surely have more than you could ever desire.

— Ralph Marston

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