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A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world.
-- George Santayana


Saturday, December 11, 2004

Time is now

Time is neither your servant nor your oppressor. It is your workplace.

The passing of time can bring you down or lift you up. It all depends on how you make use of that time.

Time always comes to you packaged as now. To make full use of time, you must make full use of now.

If you put your efforts off until later, time will keep the fruits of those efforts always out of your reach. Yet when you let your efforts fill the time of now, time will deliver great rewards as it flows along.

With time on your side, any dream can become real, any goal can be reached. The time you have to work with is now, and in now is the seed for the best you can imagine.

Plant that seed of achievement and real fulfillment now. And time will bear its magnificent fruit.

— Ralph Marston

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