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Sometimes only a change of viewpoint is needed to convert a tiresome duty into an interesting opportunity.
-- Alberta Flanders


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Come to life

In this moment is everything you need to live with richness and joy. Can you see it?

If you use this moment merely to wish for more, you’ll miss out on most of the value that could be yours right now. If you fill this moment with worries about the problems you face, you’ll miss out on the opportunity to transcend those problems.

Instead, find as much as you can about this moment that you can genuinely appreciate. And as you do, the real value of this moment will become more and more available to you.

The options open to you in this moment are more numerous than you can imagine. Find a few of the best of those possibilities, and bring them lovingly to life.

In this moment there is real magic. For in this moment your precious life is lived.

Let all the anger, the worries, frustrations and distractions fall away. And let this moment come to life.

— Ralph Marston

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