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To solve big problems you have to be willing to do unpopular things.
-- Lee Iacocca


Friday, March 18, 2005

Achievement machine

Imagine for a moment that you could go to your local appliance store and purchase an achievement machine. How would such a device work?

First, you would need to supply it with a clear, specific, detailed description and image of what you wanted it to achieve. After all, you wouldn’t want your achievement machine engaged in work that had no meaning to you.

Next, you would need to provide your achievement machine with plenty of good, quality fuel so it could do its work. You would also have to keep it properly maintained so it would stay in top working condition.

And in return, your amazing achievement machine would use its considerable power and flexibility to bring you the things you desire. As long as you were clear about what you wanted and supplied your goal achievement machine with care and nourishment, it would perform truly amazing feats.

Alas, you cannot purchase such a machine. But the good news is that you don’t need one.

For you already have a spectacularly effective achievement machine at your disposal, in the form of your mind and body. The fact is, within you is the best achievement machine that could ever be imagined.

Give that achievement machine clear, detailed instructions along with plenty of quality fuel and careful maintenance. And it will surely find a way to reach any goal you set before it.

— Ralph Marston

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