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There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.
-- Aldous Huxley


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Quality effort

If you’re spending your time doing it, then it’s important enough to do it right. A quality life is built through quality effort.

Put yourself fully in to every effort, whatever that effort may be. Even the seemingly trivial chores can set the stage for greatness when you put your love, attention and commitment into them.

Put yourself fully into every moment, whatever you may be doing. For each moment comes with its own unique opportunities.

Success depends just as much on the quality of your efforts as it does on the quantity and nature of those efforts. When you consistently put quality and commitment into what you do, then whatever you do will create real, lasting value.

Every moment, then, is a chance to move forward. Every effort, no matter how mundane or tedious it may first appear, can be a crucial step on the path to greatness.

Put your best into every effort. And all those efforts, the big ones and the small ones, will lift your life ever higher.

— Ralph Marston

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