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We are all inclined to judge ourselves by our ideals; others, by their acts.
-- Harold Nicolson


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Value deep within

There are days when it can be difficult to keep going. There are times when it seems that all you’ve done has not done any good at all.

Yet somewhere deep within, you know that your positive efforts are already being rewarded. You know that even though the outer results have been disappointing, a real and lasting inner value has already been created.

The outer results you obtain, even when they are exactly what you want, will eventually fade. Yet the inner value you build will always be with you, and will grow even more precious with each passing day.

Even when the world offers you nothing but frustrating setbacks, the real person deep within grows ever stronger and more beautiful. Even when the world outside gives you little reason to keep going, there is in fact more reason than ever before.

Learn to let the outer world, with all its ups and downs, flow gently and continually past you. And carefully choose what truly matters to add to the treasure inside you.

Stay connected to the real, lasting value that is deep within. And life will grow richer with each passing moment.

— Ralph Marston

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