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Prosperity belongs to those who learn new things the fastest.
-- Paul Zane Pilzer


Thursday, April 28, 2005

Filling in the details

Accomplishment is largely a matter of creating a vision and then filling in the details. With time, effort and commitment, you can accomplish whatever you make it a priority to accomplish.

First, create the vision. Make it something with real, meaningful value, something that brings you true fulfillment or solves a vexing problem.

Then, begin to fill in all the details. Many of the details will lead to other details, so be sure to fill in all those, too.

Filling in the details is more than just thinking of what they will be. You also must bring those details to life with your actions.

Depending on the scope of your accomplishment, that could take anywhere from a few minutes to several years. Stick with it for whatever amount of time it takes, and the accomplishment you envision will surely come to be.

Dare to create a vision that’s the very best you can imagine. Then use your time and effort to fill in all the details, and bring your dream to life.

— Ralph Marston

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