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If you have no critics you'll likely have no success.
-- Malcolm Forbes


Thursday, May 5, 2005

Treasure in each day

Some days you’ll become weary. When that happens, rest for a while, but not too long, and then get back on track with a renewed sense of purpose.

Some days you’ll become satisfied with what you’ve accomplished. Be careful not to let that stop you. Remember to continue building on what you’ve already created. After all, the greatest achievement means very little if it is not put to use.

Some days the turn of life’s events will bring you sadness. When those days come, take comfort in knowing that your sadness is possible only because you care so very much.

Some days will be frustrating and filled with disappointment. Take the opportunity to learn from those days, and know that you’re making progress even if it doesn’t seem so at the moment.

Some days will be truly joyful. Dive deeply into those days and let yourself experience them fully so that their positive value will always be with you.

Each day, no matter what its flavor may be, contains a treasure that will add real and lasting value to your life. Give your best to each day, and that treasure will steadily grow.

— Ralph Marston

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