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Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen.
-- Lee Iacocca


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Choose to grow

Every day is an opportunity to grow. How will you grow today?

Every experience, whether positive or negative, gives you the chance for positive growth. Every situation, every encounter, every victory and every defeat provides you with a way to grow stronger.

With each effort you can grow more capable. With each thought you can grow wiser.

As you grow, you can take the best of who you already are, and expand on it. Growth does not change you into a different person, but enables you to more fully express your own uniqueness.

As you grow, you become more completely and more authentically who you are. As you grow, your own special goodness becomes more prominent and the limitations steadily fall away.

Choose not to merely let this day come and go without any positive progress. On this day, with what you have and where you are, choose to grow.

— Ralph Marston

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