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Dreams never hurt anybody if he keeps working right behind the dream to make as much of it come real as he can.
-- Frank W. Woolworth


Friday, May 20, 2005

The way to build

The way to build endurance is to endure. The way to build confidence at doing anything is to practice doing it.

The way to build a friendship is by being a friend. The way to build trust is by being trustworthy.

The way to build wealth is by creating and providing value. The way to build a reputation for integrity is by being sincere and honest.

The way to build a life of meaning and fulfillment is by honoring and valuing every moment. The way to build a future that’s bright is by making the most of all you have in the present.

The way to build strength is by welcoming challenge. The way to build wisdom is by exercising your mind and your heart together.

The way to build true greatness is by living with positive purpose and passion. The way to build whatever you want is to give the best of whatever you have.

— Ralph Marston

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