virgin islands scene

There is good in everything, if only we look for it.
-- Laura Ingalls Wilder


Saturday, July 23, 2005

The power of attention

The things to which you give your attention will grow stronger. Think about something, focus on something, give your energy to something, and that energy gives it life, whatever it may be.

What you work toward will grow stronger. What you fight against will also grow stronger.

If you focus on your frustrations, you end up becoming even more frustrated. And if you then continue to dwell on those frustrations, eventually you reach the point where it’s nearly impossible to focus on anything else.

Yet when you direct your thoughts toward your blessings, your possibilities, and the opportunities that life presents, those good and valuable things become even more so. The power of your attention can quickly transform modest value into ever-increasing richness and meaning.

In every moment you have the choice of where to direct your attention. Life may throw all sorts of things your way, and yet you can always decide where the power of your attention is focused.

As you go through this day, make yourself aware of how you use the enormous power of attention. Keep your attention locked solidly on the positive possibilities, and you will give them life.

— Ralph Marston

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