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I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else.
-- Winston Churchill


Monday, August 1, 2005

Forever endure

As time goes by, some things in life become faded, feeble and useless. Yet the things that truly matter just keep getting stronger and more meaningful.

When you invest all your hope and love in the superficial things that will soon fade away, then you make time your enemy. You become engaged in a battle that you cannot win.

Yet when you cherish life’s true, enduring values, your opportunities for joy grow more abundant with each passing moment. As life goes forward, it cannot help but get better.

When you find your fulfillment in truth, in virtue, and in integrity, you set yourself up to gain real value and benefit from every experience. Though life may not always go as you planned or desired, you will always have something real and meaningful to show for it.

For every situation is a situation in which your integrity can grow stronger. Every experience is an experience in which a new and valuable truth is revealed.

Life always has so very much to offer. Treasure those things that forever endure, and your store of treasure will be rich indeed.

— Ralph Marston

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