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We have committed the Golden Rule to memory; let us now commit it to life.
-- Edwin Markham


Saturday, August 27, 2005

The best of life

There is no real, lasting joy in proving that you’re better than someone else. Yet there is endless joy and fulfillment in being the best that you can be.

It will ultimately mean nothing that you’ve collected a large store of trinkets and worldly possessions. Yet it can truly mean everything when you have worked to create real value for yourself, your world, and those around you.

There is nothing of any value that you will gain by deception. Yet there is a whole universe of richness to be experienced when you seek truth.

Each time you set out to cheat life, you will end up cheating yourself. Yet whatever you freely and lovingly give, will be yours in ever-increasing measure.

Success in life comes not from gaining any kind of secret or exclusive advantage. Real success comes from openly and authentically being the unique, immensely valuable person you are.

Reach into yourself and touch those things that truly matter. The best of life can be yours this very moment.

— Ralph Marston

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