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Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Give yourself a goal

Do yourself a favor and give yourself a goal. There is nothing that can give you the same positive, satisfying feeling as deciding to do something and then getting it done.

Give yourself a goal, and make it one that’s truly meaningful to you. Experience the joy of creating exactly what you would like to have.

When you give yourself a goal, you give your actions a purpose. With a real and meaningful purpose behind them, those actions become vastly more effective.

When you are following a meaningful goal, it feels so right that once the goal is reached you’ll want to have another. So do yourself an even bigger favor and get in the habit of creating and achieving goals for yourself on a regular basis.

The more goals you reach, the more enthusiastic you’ll be to devise new ones. Even when you start with just a tiny, modest goal, you’ll find yourself easily and naturally progressing to bigger, more ambitious ones.

Give yourself a goal, and the benefits will go far beyond you. You’ll be making your world a more valuable and fulfilling place to live.

— Ralph Marston

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