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Nothing gives a person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.
-- Thomas Jefferson


Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Real abundance

Any real value that comes to you must come through you. To experience any kind of abundance, is a matter of becoming the lens through which that abundance is focused.

Every moment is bursting with all sorts of possibilities. Yet relatively few of those possibilities ever become reality.

The possibilities that do become reality, do so as the result of being infused with meaning and purpose. That is precisely what you have the opportunity to do.

From a world of possibilities, you are able to choose those that are the best. And because they have real meaning for you, with your focus and effort you can bring them to life.

Real abundance is not limited to just a lucky few. It is available to anyone who makes the choice to gather up that raw abundance and fashion it into something meaningful.

Discover and experience how you can express, in your own unique way, the ever-present value of life. And as you do, that value will hold more and more meaning for you.

— Ralph Marston

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