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Self-trust is the first secret to success.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Saturday, October 8, 2005

Live with boldness

Boldness is not arrogance. It is simply following through on the best of who you know yourself to be.

Being bold does not mean being irresponsible, careless or foolish. Being bold means putting your time and effort into the highest vision you have for life.

There is nothing to be gained by worrying and hiding from life. For the more time and energy you give to your worries, the more real and burdensome they will become.

Instead, choose to live with boldness. Expect the best of yourself in this moment, on this day, in this situation, whatever it may be.

Expect the best of yourself and you’re very likely to get it. Set your aim high, commit to it, and you cannot help but move forward.

Think of all the best possibilities you can imagine for yourself and your world. Choose to live with boldness, with the highest of expectations, and your achievements will exceed anything you can now imagine.

— Ralph Marston

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