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All change is not growth; as all movement is not forward.
-- Ellen Glasgow


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It is enough

It is enough that you are alive and able to experience this beautiful day. It is enough that you can choose to live with joy and thankfulness in your heart.

Much of life’s anguish comes from the empty pursuit of more, more and more. The way to truly grow is to let go of your needs.

Much of what you think you need, you don’t. Much of what you cling to holds you back.

When your thoughts are filled with envy, resentment, want and desperation, it becomes nearly impossible to get anything done. By contrast, when you know you have enough, you become amazingly creative, effective and productive.

To experience abundance is simply a matter of knowing that it is yours. Remind yourself that what you are is enough, that what you have is enough for this moment, and you’ll find yourself immersed in abundance.

It is enough that you are here now and able to move forward with positive intention. With a joyful heart, live fully the real treasure that is already yours.

— Ralph Marston

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