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Behind every adversity is an opportunity. If you lament over the adversity, you will miss the opportunity.
-- Ajaero Tony Martins


Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Have a life

You strive to acquire a home, a car, a career, financial security and personal satisfaction. Seek also to have a life, one with meaning, and purpose, and joy.

You strive to gain power and influence over others. Yet how much energy do you put into building mastery of yourself?

You strive to consume and possess the most impressive of worldly objects. Yet the value that you truly own is the value you create through your unique expression of life.

You long for everything to be perfect in the world around you. Are you also working toward perfection within?

You wish for every dream to come true. What are you doing to make those dreams a faithful expression of who you really are?

You promise yourself that someday you will live true to your purpose and highest vision. Is there any good reason why someday should wait even a single moment longer?

— Ralph Marston

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