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Life is a matter of luck, and the odds in favor of success are in no way enhanced by extreme caution.
-- Erich Topp


Tuesday, November 8, 2005

A place for peace

Do you want to live in a peaceful world? Then regularly make a place for peace in your life.

Get in the habit of spending some time each day that’s not filled with frenzied activity. Make some peaceful moments in each day and you’ll begin to see more peaceful qualities in the people, places and events around you.

Peace is not something that can be squeezed in between appointments. To know peace is to commit some time to it.

Find a place of serenity and solitude, and just listen. Let go of the need to fill every second with activity, and, for a while, just be.

Allow the tension to melt away. Relax your body, quiet your thoughts, and experience how it is to be fully in the moment, with all worries and anxieties far, far behind you.

A peaceful world comes from peaceful people. Make a place for peace each day, and a real sense of peace will start to flow from you, right into your world.

— Ralph Marston

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