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Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.
-- Rudyard Kipling


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Filled with richness

Do you fully realize how very rich you are? Or do you instead choose to focus on lack and limitation?

You are alive and aware in a universe that is filled with endless possibilities. And as each new moment arrives, those possibilities increase.

It makes no sense to think of your life in terms of what you don’t have. For that kind of thinking cuts you off from the real richness that can be yours.

Take just one small positive thing in your life and spend a little time truly appreciating it. The more you focus on the goodness, the more of it there will be.

The more fully you realize how rich you are, the more access you’ll have to that richness. The more you appreciate the positive possibilities, the more valuable those possibilities become.

No matter what your situation or circumstance, life is filled with the richness of positive possibilities. See that richness and you will begin to truly live it.

— Ralph Marston

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