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The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
-- Eden Phillpotts


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Give of yourself

The best gift you can give is to give of yourself. Your time, your attention, your love and caring are far more valuable than anything that could be wrapped up in a brightly colored box.

When you give of yourself you discover how very effective you can be. When you give of yourself someone else receives great benefit, and so do you.

Give a little kindness, or patience, or understanding or love. Give encouragement, and attention, and assistance, and time.

You always have what it takes to give of yourself. For in every situation, there is something valuable and positive that you can offer.

Sure, you could spend your moments feeling sorry for yourself or wishing you were somewhere else. Or, you could choose to give of yourself and create a beautiful experience out of wherever you may find yourself.

When you make the world a better place for others, you have the good fortune of living in that world too. Give of yourself, for it is the most sincere, meaningful and valuable gift you can give.

— Ralph Marston

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