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What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
-- Sir John Lubbock


Saturday, July 29, 2006

Authentic best

No matter what does or does not happen, your life has real and unique value. Even when you go through long stretches during which nothing goes your way, that value is always there.

The way to tap into that value is to stop focusing on what has happened and start focusing on what you can do. Even if the whole world seems to be against you, there is something of value that you have to contribute.

Forget about trying to figure out what is fair or unfair. Let go of your need to make judgments about what life has handed you.

Instead, reach within and touch that part of you that resonates with beauty, with peace, with truth and with joy. Then look outward with eyes that are freshly drawn toward the positive possibilities.

Give life a chance to move in your favor and you’ll discover the many ways that it will. Give your thoughts and your energy to the real value you can create from where you are, using what you have.

Rise above the mere circumstances and start fulfilling the abundance of unique and beautiful possibilities that are you. Look for the authentic best in life, and you will surely make it real.

— Ralph Marston

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