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The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.
-- Emile Zola


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Never regret

If you choose not to make the very most of this day, then one day you’ll look back and regret it. One day you’ll look back on today, and wonder why you were so afraid to take action.

One day you’ll look back on today, and wonder why you let so many of life’s minor inconveniences get you down. One day you’ll look back, and wonder why you couldn’t have been a little more disciplined, a little more focused.

What would you regret not doing, if you could look back on today from ten years in the future? Now is your chance to avoid that stinging regret.

What would you consider important about today, looking back? What opportunities would be evident then, that might be going unappreciated today?

A life of value and meaning is something you build over time, not a jackpot that you win through luck or cunning. Today is an opportunity to build that life you want, an opportunity that will not come again.

Though it is impossible to know what the future will bring, one thing is certain. You’ll never regret making the most of the day that you have right now.

— Ralph Marston

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