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I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.
-- John Locke


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Take an interest

Take an interest in life and you’ll find it to be an infinite source of richness and value. Become fascinated with certain aspects of this world and you’ll find an endless source of treasure and possibility.

There is nothing in life that’s boring. There are only people who choose to see things as boring.

In fact, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing can be truly fascinating when you decide to make it so. Life in any moment is as interesting as you wish to make it.

When you’re truly interested in what you’re doing, you’ll do it much more effectively. When you choose to take an interest, you’ll discover whole new worlds of opportunity.

You are immersed in a truly amazing and fascinating universe. With just the slightest spark of interest, you can begin to travel a path of discovery that will lead to beautiful places you cannot now imagine.

Instead of complaining about how dull life is, truly take an interest, and follow that interest with passion. There is no limit to how far it will take you.

— Ralph Marston

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