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Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it.
-- David Starr Jordan


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Root out the problems

Beware of quick-fix solutions that end up being worse than the problems they are intended to solve. There’s nothing to be gained from a cure that is worse than the disease.

And there’s certainly nothing to be gained from a solution that merely masks or delays the problem without addressing the underlying cause. When there’s a problem in your life, get to work rooting out the core of that problem.

Facing a challenge requires effort, and yet that effort is necessary only for a relatively short time. Running from the challenge requires ever-increasing effort that has no end.

The sooner you start working through a problem, the more quickly you’ll have that problem behind you. The earlier you deal with the root cause of the problem, the more effective your efforts will be.

Truly eliminating the cause of the problem does indeed take more work than quickly fixing the symptoms. Yet once the difficult work is done to remove the problem, it’s gone for good.

Do the work to root out each problem at its core. And your efforts will bring lasting rewards.

— Ralph Marston

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