virgin islands scene

Abraham Lincoln did not go to Gettysburg having commissioned a poll to find out what would sell in Gettysburg.
-- Robert Coles


Monday, January 26, 2009

In an instant

In an instant, you can go from discouraged to joyful. In an instant, you can change from lazy to ambitious.

In the blink of an eye, your whole outlook on life can profoundly improve. In one small moment, disappointment can be transformed into positive resolve and commitment.

When you are ready to change, and willing to change for the better, you can do it just like that. Are you ready?

In an instant, you can improve your attitude. And that change of attitude will affect your whole world.

A moment ago, you may have been discouraged, or resentful, or frustrated, or miserable. Now, you can be whatever way you choose to be.

Choose now to be positive, productive, effective, ambitious, and filled with enthusiasm for all the great things life has to offer. Feel the power of this positive instant, and keep it going strong.

— Ralph Marston

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