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The price of inaction is far greater than then cost of a mistake.
-- Meg Whitman


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Joyful life

Even when there’s no good reason to enjoy life, enjoy it anyway. Discover the delightful truth that joy is its own best reason.

Truly enjoy the place where you are, and you make it even better. Find joy in the moment you’re now living, and you’ll multiply the treasures that the moment can bring.

You won’t hurt anyone else by enjoying who you are and what you’re doing. On the contrary, your own joy can bring much joy to those around you.

Instead of assuming that you must struggle, enjoy the process of moving through each challenge. When you choose to enjoy what you’re doing, the effort comes more easily and with greater effectiveness.

Decide that life is a joy and you’ll find all sorts of ways to reinforce and build upon that decision. The joy you seek is already yours, so let it flow freely from within you.

Give your life the power of joy right now, and always. For whatever you sincerely enjoy, you’re able to easily and naturally master.

— Ralph Marston

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