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You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true... You may have to work for it, however.
-- Richard Bach


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

All is glorious

All is well. In fact, all is more than well -- all is glorious.

The only reason you’re able to even notice the discord is because there is so very much harmony in life. Peace is so all-pervasive and gracefully abundant that it doesn’t mind allowing a little conflict to happen.

Imagine the immensity of this planet as it spins perfectly through space for billions of years. The extent of goodness and rightness and power cannot begin to be fathomed.

There is always so much for which to be infinitely thankful. What you perceive as trouble is nothing more than a bit of interesting flavor in the endless perfect bounty of existence.

Open your eyes to all that is real. Open the whole of your being to the glorious magnificence in which you are immersed.

Yes is the answer to every longing. Live the fullness when it is, now.

— Ralph Marston

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