virgin islands scene

True silence is the rest of the mind. It is to the spirit what sleep is to the body - nourishment and refreshment.
-- William Penn


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Find a way

Find a way, for it is there. Find a way, for you are here to find it.

What appears impossible does in reality give birth to great opportunity. Find a way, and you discover the beautiful truth about yourself.

Many can teach you and yet only you can truly be you. The most wonderful things that you can imagine are precisely what you are destined to bring to life.

See that the challenges actually enable you. Understand that the obstacles form a foundation upon which achievement is built.

Joy is yours for the living. Fulfillment is yours for the doing.

This is the place and the time and the circumstance of the greatest gift you can give. Find a way, and bring each magnificent possibility to life.

— Ralph Marston

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