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Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
-- John Wooden


Friday, April 17, 2009

Be the fulfillment

Instead of looking for the answer outside yourself, be the answer you seek. Instead of striving to attain fulfillment, be the fulfillment of your most impassioned stirrings.

The problems you face are yours precisely because you have what it takes to successfully address them. The situations you encounter provide fertile ground upon which you more fully become the best you can be.

The joys and the pains, the achievements and the disappointments, the frustrations and the victories all serve to move you forward. You are destined and well equipped to successfully navigate through each fascinating and valuable turn of events in your world.

You’ve already come a long way, and that depth of experience continues to serve you well. As the challenges come, as the opportunities appear, your ability to make a difference grows ever stronger and more valuable.

Greet each day with the satisfaction and confidence of knowing that you can adjust and adapt and build and create and thrive. Use the unique energy that is your very own in the service of meaningful and positive purpose.

Work to be the living fulfillment of the best you can imagine. Feel the dream and make it real.

— Ralph Marston

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