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I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it.
-- Garrison Keillor


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Destined to achieve

Get completely clear about your objective. If all you have is a vague idea, then work on fleshing it out so it becomes detailed and specific.

Act now. Opportunities do not wait for conditions to be perfect.

Persist in your efforts. Make all of your work count for something by seeing it through to the finish.

Be thankful for the challenges and enjoy working through them. For they are where the real value is created.

Connect your goal to a meaningful purpose. When you’re clear about why, you’ll surely be able to take care of how.

Every frustration, every dissatisfaction you feel is really an urge to achieve. Follow those urges all the way through, and make the positive difference that is your destiny.

— Ralph Marston

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