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We won't even attempt to achieve what we do not believe at a deep level we can have or deserve.
-- Ruth Ross


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

See yourself

The way you see yourself becomes the way you make yourself. How do you see yourself?

If you see yourself as always struggling, you will always struggle. If you see yourself as never getting ahead, you will not get ahead.

Your view of yourself is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Fortunately, you can make that view whatever you wish.

Choose to truly see yourself as effective, creative, patient, disciplined, enthusiastic and abundantly prosperous. See yourself as loving, caring, ever thankful and positive.

Imagine yourself in rich detail to be the kind of person who easily and naturally achieves those very special dreams you treasure most. See yourself living life at its best and most fulfilling.

Each time you think of yourself, see yourself as the best you can imagine. And the reality of your life will be true to your most sincere self-image.

— Ralph Marston

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