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Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.
-- Anthony Robbins


Saturday, September 12, 2009

The power to change your world

Your thoughts can change in an instant. And because of that, your whole outlook can change just as quickly.

Have you ever been feeling down and then suddenly encountered a wonderful, positive surprise? Just like that, the world around you changed from dismal to beautiful.

The only thing that really changed, however, was your thinking. Yet it was more than enough to completely transform the situation.

You have the power to change your world because you have the power to choose your thoughts. Though it may feel difficult, and even impossible, as soon as you do make a change in your thinking you realize how quick and easy and effective it can be.

The most important thing about any situation is the way you decide to think of it. Your thoughts can turn any occurrence into an opportunity, any experience into fulfillment.

At any given moment, what you think of your life determines what you will do with it. Always think the very best, and be it.

— Ralph Marston

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