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Virtue is its own reward.
-- Cicero


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Real-life reality

Reflection and meditation certainly have their place, yet much of enlightenment is attained through living. Jump into the world that’s filled with confusion and contradiction, challenges and obstacles, and make your way through.

You can learn much by observation and study. However, there are many things you can learn only with experience.

Open yourself to new experiences and you’ll be opening yourself to an endless stream of rich and rewarding possibilities. The more you get involved in life, the more you get out of life.

Take on a challenging project, and get your hands dirty dealing with all the details. Make a significant commitment, and then do the work to fully follow through on that commitment.

Though life’s texture is sometimes rough, there is great and wonderful richness in that texture. Every day is filled with moments that can each be filled with robust experience.

Get out there, get in there, weave yourself again and again into the vivid fabric of real-life reality. It is there that you will create the sweet fulfillment you seek.

— Ralph Marston

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