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If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.
-- Frank A. Clark


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why you desire

What would you desire if everything you now desire were already yours? If you possessed every object you could ever imagine possessing, what would drive you forward?

If all your goals were reached and even exceeded, what would get you going each morning? If every problem in your life were solved, where would you direct your energy?

Certainly it is necessary to pay attention to all the outer concerns. But if that’s all you ever think about, you can become hopelessly frustrated and disillusioned.

Every now and then, dig deeper. Remind yourself why you desire what you desire.

Following your outer desires can help you to express your purpose, yet those desires are not your purpose itself. And so even if you fail to achieve a particular goal, the pure, authentic purpose behind the goal is still intact.

Instead of being frustrated when you experience disappointments in your outer world, you can choose to be inspired and creative. For you still have your purpose, and you have the opportunity for finding an exciting new way to express it.

— Ralph Marston

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