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Big words seldom accompany good deeds.
-- Charlotte Whitton


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The truth of who you are

The challenge of successful living is not in gaining access to life’s abundance, for there is always plenty of it. The challenge is in recognizing that abundance and making it into things that are meaningful and fulfilling.

Just as a tiny seed has within it all the information necessary to grow a massive tree, so do you have within you the kernel of your own fulfillment. That fulfillment comes about when you are most authentically you.

You cannot deny your purpose in the name of success. For if there is no purpose behind the result, there is no success.

Feel the truth of who you are. Put that truth into action in each moment of your life.

You are highly skilled and experienced at taking action and making things happen. So choose to make those things happen that create and support what you value most.

Pay great and loving attention to who you are. Continually give your own unique treasure to life, and you’ll experience life at its absolute best.

— Ralph Marston

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