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Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.
-- Sudie Back


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Unconditional enjoyment

One of the most reliable ways to ruin your enjoyment of life is to put too many conditions on that enjoyment. You can put so much time and energy into getting the conditions just right, that there’s nothing left to enjoy.

Instead of seeking and striving to enjoy life, just simply enjoy it. Enjoy the moment you’re in, without placing so many judgments or conditions on it.

Is it really so important that events and circumstances line up in exactly the way you wish? Of course it’s not.

Often, life’s surprises can turn out to be pleasant surprises if you’ll simply let them. Make the choice to do less fighting against what comes, and more enjoying of what is.

Think of the time and effort you put into proving you’re right or getting your way. Visualize spending that time instead in unconditional, authentic enjoyment of the amazing life with which you’re blessed.

Don’t work so hard to make enjoyment what you think it should be. Just relax and let your life be filled with the rich enjoyment of each special moment.

— Ralph Marston

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