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It's important to know that words don't move mountains. Work, exacting work moves mountains.
-- Danilo Dolci


Saturday, March 5, 2011

How you can respond

Focus not on making judgments about what has happened. Focus on how you can respond in a positive way that will create value from the situation.

Life is always changing, and with every change comes new opportunity. Instead of fearing or fighting the changes that are already going on, look for the opportunities in them.

Be clear about what you intend for your life and your world. When you look at what’s going on around you through the filter of your intentions, you’ll see plenty of great possibilities for fulfilling those intentions.

Don’t get sidetracked worrying or arguing about who is at fault or what could have been done differently. Put your energy into making good and meaningful use of what is.

Find your comfort not in holding on to the past but in realizing that the future is yours to create as you wish. Know clearly and precisely what you want, and you’ll see just how you can make use of what is, to bring about what you desire.

There is something changing right now, and in that change is valuable opportunity being born. Open your eyes, take a deep breath, put a smile on your face, and make that opportunity your own.

— Ralph Marston

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