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If you have a job without aggravations, you don't have a job.
-- Malcolm Forbes


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Meet with resistance

It is the resistance of the air that enables an airplane to fly. It is the resistance of the mountain path that provides a foothold upon which to climb.

The resistance you encounter is not there to stop you. On the contrary, that resistance gives you something solid and palpable through which to move.

The faster you go, the more resistance you’ll encounter. So it is by learning to allow and to effectively handle the resistance that you make great progress.

There is nothing unfair about having to put forth effort in order to make your way forward. It is that very effort that enables you to go in the direction you wish to go.

Expect to encounter resistance, and welcome it each time you do. It is a confirmation of the strength you already have, as well as an opportunity to grow even stronger.

Go ahead and plan in advance to meet with resistance, so when the meeting happens it can proceed on your own terms. It is by encountering resistance that you arrive at success.

— Ralph Marston

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