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I shall tell you a great secret my friend. Do not wait for the last judgement, it takes place every day.
-- Albert Camus


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Most challenging

The more excuses you come up with to avoid doing it, the more important it is to get it done. After all, if it didn’t really matter, you wouldn’t bother with all the excuses.

Whatever you feel yourself resisting, is what you must find a way to do. Because when you can get past the resistance, what you’ll be able to create is great and fulfilling value.

It is much, much easier to give in to the excuses. But then all you’ll be left with is regret.

It is much more difficult to do those great and wonderful things you know you’re capable of doing. Yet from that difficulty comes the golden experience of the life you know you are meant to live.

Go ahead and feel the fear, feel the doubt, feel the frustration and discomfort and apprehension. Then, take all that energy and lovingly, joyfully, enthusiastically turn it around.

Step confidently forward in precisely the direction that is most challenging to you. Because in that same direction, you’ll also find what is most rewarding to you.

Choose to forego what is easy right now. And deliver yourself into the realm of what is truly great and fulfilling.

— Ralph Marston

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