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If we could learn to like ourselves, even a little, maybe our cruelties and angers might melt away.
-- John Steinbeck


Monday, August 1, 2011

Achievement within

Meaningful success is a matter of expressing on the outside some of the unique and abundant value that’s on the inside. Every great achievement begins as a vision, guided by purpose, and ends as a real, tangible fact.

Whatever you truly desire, you already have within you. Fulfilling that desire is a process of bringing it to life in the world around you.

In each true desire is the energy for its fulfillment. Your job is to put that energy to focused and effective use.

Take the vision, the ideal, the value that’s inside and show the rest of the world how it looks and what it can do. Nurture the inner vision that only you can see into outer value that everyone can find useful and beautiful.

Dive deeply into the rich abundance that lives within you. Feel the power of your unique beauty that longs to be expressed, and let that beauty flow out through your actions.

Your greatest achievements are already yours. Act on them and let the whole world experience their value too.

— Ralph Marston

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