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Every challenge we face can be solved by a dream.
-- David Schwartz


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Your own terms

The timing of your effort can be just as important, and even more important, than the amount of effort. Acting early is much more effective than waiting until the last minute, and infinitely more effective than waiting until it’s too late.

It is not only frustrating to fall behind and to constantly be playing catch up. It also wastes your energy and wears you out.

Are you weary from always falling behind? You can actually make it easier on yourself by working ahead.

What happens when you put something off until the last minute? Not only do you eventually have to do it anyway, you also have to carry the burden of its necessity much longer.

Choose instead to look ahead, and to quickly do now what must be done. Keep reminding yourself that by taking action early, you get much more value out of that action.

Make the commitment to get out in front of your life. Instead of being enslaved by procrastination, you can be wonderfully free to live each moment on your own terms.

— Ralph Marston

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