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The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched ... but are felt in the heart.
-- Helen Keller


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Make the best

You won’t always get the best, yet you can always make the best from whatever you get. You won’t always get your way, yet you can always make your way forward no matter what.

Even when the situation is not perfect, you can make the best of it. Even when the initial outcome is not ideal, you can make the best of it.

Instead of wishing for what could have been, choose to effectively and successfully deal with what is. Instead of assigning blame, assign yourself the task of finding and implementing a positive way forward.

You can choose where you’re headed, no matter where you’re coming from. Stop wasting energy fighting against what has already happened, and apply that energy toward a positive purpose.

Focus your awareness and your efforts on the most positive, desirable outcome. Make the best of the situation where you find yourself by visualizing and following a path to whatever you truly desire.

You deserve the best, and you deserve the positive, enriching experience of bringing it about. So whatever comes your way, make the best of it, and give yourself the positive outcome you deserve to enjoy.

— Ralph Marston

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