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The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.
-- Thomas Carlyle


Friday, September 23, 2011

Making it so

Life can be exciting in a good way, and yet it doesn’t have to be exciting to be good. It’s nice when life is pleasant, and yet life doesn’t have to be pleasant to be rich and fulfilling.

It can be helpful when things go your way. However, a little disappointment, or even a lot, is not the end of the world.

The fact is, you can treasure and enjoy life no matter what it brings. You can find real, enriching value in each moment and in every experience.

Don’t be too quick to place judgments on events as they unfold. What initially seems like it might hurt you, may very well end up helping you.

Life is largely what you make of it. Choose to see the possibilities for progress in each turn of events, and you’ll be able to make great progress.

Instead of worrying about what has happened or what might happen, get busy working to influence what does happen. Life is great when you commit to making it so.

— Ralph Marston

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