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Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.
-- William Penn


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Even when you fail

As desirable as it may be, success usually serves to confirm what you already know. Failure, on the other hand, teaches you something new and valuable.

Failure is painful, and that makes its positive lessons all the more memorable. And failure never has to be final, because of how it teaches you to succeed.

Though you wouldn’t want to seek failure, you don’t want to fear it either. It is by living with the possibility of failure, and by learning from the experience of failure, that you develop the strength to achieve.

Go ahead, step forward, and give your very best to the effort. Live and act with the genuine confidence of knowing that even when you fail you’re making positive progress.

When you’re willing to learn and to adjust, failure cannot keep holding you back. When the goal is clear and the purpose is truly yours, you’ll find a way to make it happen.

Even when you fail, it won’t be for long. Keep that in mind, and have the courage to do what you must do to live the most outstanding life you know you can live.

— Ralph Marston

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