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This thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.
-- Mary Pickford


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Embrace the goodness

Today, life is more beautiful and meaningful than it has ever been. Right now, the possibilities for richness and fulfillment are greater than at any other time.

Whatever may seem to have been lost has not really been lost. For the beauty and wonder of it all are still very much alive in your heart.

The frustrations and disappointments are possible only because you are certain of how very good life can be. Life’s goodness is real, and there is no end to how much of that goodness you can continue to create.

Love is your true nature. The more love you give, the richer and more meaningful your life continues to grow.

See the beauty, follow the possibilities, and feel the love as it flows through your world. Remember, again and again, how truly magnificent it all is.

Rise above the petty distractions and live true to the best of who you are. Embrace the goodness and make it ever more abundant.

— Ralph Marston

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