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If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Do something positive

Worrying about what you don’t want will not keep it from happening. In fact, by focusing your worry on what you don’t want you actually give more power and possibility to it.

Wishing for what you do want will not bring it about. Constant wishing can prevent you from getting what you want by taking away time, effort and focus that could be spent on effective action.

The reliable, proven strategy for avoiding what you don’t want and for getting what you do want is the same. Do something positive about it.

The way to get it done is to get busy working on it right now. The way to make a difference is to take focused, purposeful, persistent action.

You are fully capable, and uniquely inspired, to act in your own best interest and in support of the things you care about. So instead of wishing or worrying your time away, get busy doing something positive and effective.

Make constructive use of your valuable time. Use it to do something positive, and move your life and your world in the direction of your choice.

— Ralph Marston

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